Mamavation Monday: Easter Fun


We had a blast on my son’s first Easter. He was able to participate in egg hunts, being 11 months old, and he loved it.



Me and J hunting


Last year we started a new tradition that seems to keep getting better every year. Each individual family empties out the contents of eggs through a small hole made in the bottom of the egg. Then they are decorated, filled with confetti and tissue paper is glued over the holes. Then, everyone grabs their confetti eggs and smashes them over each other’s heads. It produces a lot of laughter, fun, and even a little competition. It is supposed to represent good luck for the rest of the year, but I think we just like making messes.

easter1 easter2


After a little confetti fun


That was just on my mom’s side of the family! After that we spent the rest of the day on my dad’s side egg hunting some more and enjoying good food with great family. J now has $1.25 to start a piggy bank.


I hope you all had a wonderful Easter.

Mamavation Monday: The Sickies


So… over the weekend we had good and bad. Want the good first? Me too. We finally are back to being a two car family. We bought a new car and are thrilled with it. Finally.

Now the bad. We got sick. J caught a cold from my dad and passed it on to this mama. Oh joy. So we’ve been taking in fluids like crazy and going through tissues like they are money and we are shopping.  Here’s to hoping we get better soon.

This week should be busy with spring cleaning (if you can call this “spring” in Indiana). Maybe. If my house is lucky.

Until next week everyone!

Mamavation Monday


Sorry ladies, I haven’t posted in a while. Things have been a little crazy around here. I’m wedding planning along with planning a birthday party for my 10 month old (I’m getting a head start) on top of classes and regular mom stuff. But anyways, I’m so excited to be back!


I’m still hovering around the same weight, fluctuation up and down a lot. There isn’t much to post about that. I’ve kind of let my exercising get away from me. I’m continually eat well, though. I have my splurges every once in a while but I’m able to keep them under control.


Our rescue dog, Kazi is adjusting well in our home. He’s been with us for about a month now. He acts like he’s always lived with us! We love him to pieces, he is a wonderful dog. I’m so glad we chose to rescue. I can tell the gratitude he feels for bringing him into a loving home. He was just neutered on Thursday, but he’s still full of energy! He’s been what I need to get me out on walks with him almost every day.



I feel like I’m just waiting for motivation to hit me. I have countless projects to do around the house, but can’t seem to make myself do them. I need to learn how to motivate myself. If anyone has any tips on motivating, please share them!

It feels great to be posting again. I love my Mamavation Sistas so much!

Mamavation Monday: Nap Time Loses


So I laid my little guy down just probably 10 minutes ago and he’s awake now. Oh boy. I can hear him happy-chattering in the next room. There goes my plans for peaceful cleaning! Looks like I’ll need to get creative on how to keep him entertained while I clean.

Onto good news! I’ve lost another 2 pounds this week which equals to a total of 8 pounds lost! I’m pretty stoked about this! I only have 6 pounds to go until I hit my weight loss goal. After that, I think I’ll move on to toning up.

The little guy has his 9 month wellness check today, and he’ll have to get shots. These days are always hard on me, I hate making him get shots. He usually doesn’t take it very well (because, duh, its shots, nobody does), and in turn, I don’t take it well either. STAY STRONG FOR THE BABY.

I’m loving having a new house, and things are going great. Next week I start the long process of painting my house with the bathroom. I’ll be getting my new ADORABLE shower curtain on Wednesday and then I’ll be picking out paint colors. I also should be getting some new organizing products this week that I can use to organize my upstairs craft/office/play room.

This post is sponsored by Jessica – the Healthy Hip Chick and Mamavation – a community dedicated to obesity prevention & weight loss for women and I’m writing this to be entered into a giveaway.

Mamavation Monday


I need to start by saying how much I love my Mamavation community. My sistas are all pretty awesome.

Ass-kissing over.

So the last couple weeks have been fairly busy. Unpacking and organizing and a housewarming party will do that to you I guess.

My weight remains the same as last week but I plan to kick some major behind here soon. I need to get out of the rut I’m in.

So the rest of this week will be new workouts and some yoga. Hopefully I’ll have new results next week.

This post is sponsored by Beanitos and Mamavation – a community dedicated to obesity prevention & weight loss for women and I’m writing this to be entered into a giveaway

Mamavation Monday: The New Year


Hello all, I hope your new year is going wonderfully so far. Like pretty much everyone, I have a resolution. Not only am I trying to get to my goal weight of 125, but I’m trying to more productive in my life. I have a full Pinterest board of projects I love but have been too lazy to actually do.

How will I accomplish these goals, you ask? Well, I’ll tell you. Considering I have lost 6 pounds total, and am only 8 pounds way from goal weight, I’m going to keep doing what I’m doing with a little extra in terms of my weight goals. Exercising whenever I get the chance and eating right. We also just bought a juicer and have been enjoying fresh juice. There is not much better than making your own juice, food wise. It tastes so fresh, so good.

Productivity wise, I’ve started up another blog called Resolution 2013: Projectathon. My goal is to complete at least one project a week through 2013. At the end I want a minimum of 52 projects finished. Go check it out and read more, its pretty cool! I’m very excited about it.

Here’s to hoping my new year goes the way I planned. I also have my son’s first birthday and my wedding this year so it should be pretty exciting!


This post is sponsored by Schick Intuition and hosted by Mamavation – a community dedicated to obesity prevention & weight loss for women and I’m writing this to be entered into a giveaway

Mamavation Monday: The Big Move


So yesterday we officially moved into our new home. How awesome is that?! I’m stoked! WE OWN A HOME. That’s pretty exciting to say. We still have a ton of unpacking to do and rearranging. Plus we need to make a big grocery trip on top of buying some new items we need for the house and Christmas. This will end up being a very expensive month.

I’ve been continuing my workout classes that I really enjoy but I’m running into a problem. I’ll be babysitting weekdays and that time runs into the time of the classes, so I’ll need to find a way around that. I’m a little bummed because I really enjoyed doing this with my mom. She has been recruiting my aunt and trying with my sister so if they both join I’ll be even more bummed. I might have to start taking the morning classes alone.

Weight Watchers has been great for me! Whatever weight I lost before I had gained back and now I’m down to a total loss of 3 pounds so far. Only after 3 weeks of doing this. I enjoy WW a lot. I feel great, I have more energy and I really feel like I’m learning portions way better. My only problem is getting myself to eat multiple meals. So many times I find myself not eating until noon, or in yesterday’s case, 3 pm. Oh and WATER. I really need to get better about water.

Please continue to keep all of the victims of the recent shooting in your prayers/thoughts/good vibes. My heart is with all of them. I’ve never really thought this hard about how blessed I truly am, and I wish these parents and families didn’t have to go through such a terrible terrible situation.

I’m pretty excited about tonight’s Mamavation TV. We are learning about backyard gardening which is something I will definitely be getting into now that I’m in my own house!

This post is sponsored Dole and Mamavation – a community dedicated to obesity prevention & weight loss for women and I’m writing this to be entered into a giveaway

Mamavation Monday: I’m Baaaack!


So, I had a wee bit of a leave. It wasn’t long, but I had a crazy busy past few weeks. Everything is starting to calm down. Thank the stars. Now all that is left is a final exam on the 11th, closing on our house sometime this week (hopefully), Christmas shopping and crafting, and then once I’m in the house its decorating time. It it a great feeling settling down after a busy time and enjoying relaxing again. I’ve started Weight Watchers and I’ve been going to workout classes with my mom that are kicking my soon-to-be-hot booty. So far in my first week with WW I’ve lost 1.2 pounds. Its a start! My official weekly weigh-in is tomorrow.


I want to thank all my Mamavation sisters who stood by my side while I was away for a little while. Thanks, ladies! You are all so amazing!

Mamavation Monday


Hey there all you beautiful people. I truly hope your week is off to a great start. Me? I’m studying for a final tomorrow evening, oh joy. It’ll be a relief once its over, this week will be full of packing and this weekend is great camping Halloween fun! We won’t be closing on the house until probably December, but we will be staying with my mom until we move into the new house to save on rent money. Last week was so nuts with everything going on, and this week is a little nuts as well. I can’t wait to just be able to relax once we are moved out of here.


You know how when you know that something is going to change/end that it starts getting SO ANNOYING?! Well yeah, that’s how our apartment and neighbors are at the moment. I JUST WANT OUT. So bad. I’ve turned into such a Grinch about everything, including the neighbor kids. Lord help me get through this. 


So on another note, my mom will be leaving in a couple weeks to go on a mission trip to Kenya. I wanted to go but being as I miss my baby after only a night away, I couldn’t handle it right now. She’ll be there a little over a week painting a mural on one of the buildings in the slums. The fighting over there has spread, and the slums are covered in mobs and crime, so its getting a little nerve-wracking. Please pray for her on her journey (if that’s your thing). 

Here’s to a crazy week! *clink* Sex talk tonight on Mamavation TV! Woo sex!


This post is sponsored by Lilly’s Sweets and hosted by Mamavation – a community dedicated to obesity prevention & weight loss for women and I’m writing this to be entered into a giveaway at the bottom of your post.

Weddings and Weight Gain


I had a small gain this week. I gained about 2 pounds. I’m weighing in at 133.8 pounds. I’ve seriously been struggling with my motivation this week. I haven’t worked out and the past few days and I’ve been pigging out on food. I think it may be from the stress of buying this house. It’s worth it.

I feel like this is what I looked like all weekend.

Photo courtesy of:

I’m trying to get re-motivated, trying really hard. Rachel and Wendy both offered out help to me, and I thank them both for that! Hopefully soon I’ll be back in the swing of things and next week can post another loss!

All my Mamavation Sistas rock! I’m so proud of all of them on their achievements!

This post is sponsored by Olay and hosted by Mamavation – a community dedicated to obesity prevention &weight loss for women and I’m writing this to be entered into a giveaway